Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Should kids learn by doing ??

I myself have always really been into "learning by doing" I feel even I learn better when I do something myself.

I liked how this website explained what cognitivism was because they didn't just say that it is where students learn by doing.  They said "Cognitivism means through interaction and self congnition development to acquire knowledge and concern what the learner knows and how to use the efficiency way to process information." http://simonlin.info/learningtheory/cognitivism.htm 
Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Jerome Bruner's were three cognitivists.  Each one had a different way theory on congnitivism.  Jean Piaget had a theory that went through stages: age 0-2 sensor motor, age 2-7 preoperational, and age 7-11 formal operational.  Lev Vygotsky came up with the zone of proximal development. The zone of proximal development demonstrates the need for the guidance and assistance of adults or more- skilled children. Jerome Bruner's came up with the theory of instruction which had four steps: 1) curiosity and uncertainty 2) structure of knowledge, 3) sequencing and 4) motivation.  With all these theories children learn through real life experiences with some help from teachers and parents to help them along.

Ways to incorporate cognitivism into the classroom is to make sure the students are engaged in the learning, ask the students questions, have fill in the blank notes, or quick quiz questions when taking notes. Allowing students to use computers to learn and use educational games will help keep them engaged and still learning.  One website I found was talking about how now a days students need to use technology more because that is what we use everyday.  It talked about allowing students to use Microsoft word to take notes because it could be faster then hand written notes.  I like this idea because it also helps with typing skills but my worry is how will every student be able to get the technology. http://www.slideshare.net/smith_leanne/cognitivism-theory

Cognitivism is the theory that describes how information is processed to turn into learning.  We have more than one memory and it's the way we use them that help us figure out how we learn.  While searching through the web I came across an article that talked about the memory banks and how the information you take in can move through the banks.   There's sensory memory, working memory, and the long term memory. We use these memories everyday.  Everyone has to find out the best way for them to remember information, but if they do something they love it helps them.  For example if you love music or just love to sing, you can come up with a song to remember information for a test.  Over the year many people have realized if what they are doing is something they don't like or think is boring they are not going to listen and engage themselves in the activity.  This is why in class we need to make sure that all students are engaged.  Many students become bored in class and can't learn  or take in the information, cognitively the students are bored.


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